DV Result 2024

According to official information, the DV Result 2024 will be announced on May 6, 2024, on the DV program’s official website

you must enter the web and place the confirmation number that was provided during the application, in addition to the name and year of birth to be able to check your status.

It is important that those who are selected for this lottery (DV-2023) retain their confirmation number until at least September 30, 2024.

As shown in the image below, the verification process is very simple and consists of four steps.

  1. Confirmation Number“: fill in the registration confirmation number that was assigned to you. If you no longer have it, simply click on “Forgot Confirmation Number”.
  2. Last/Family Name“: simply enter your last name
  3. Year of Birth“: enter your year of birth (4 digits)
  4. Authentication“: for security reasons, enter the characters that appear in the image.

Once these four steps are completed, all you have to do is take a deep breath and click on the “Submit” button.